" A vivarium (Latin, literally for "place of life"; plural vivaria or vivariums) is usually enclosed area for keeping and raising animals or plants for observation or research. Often, a portion of the ecosystem for a particular species is simulated on a smallerscale, with controls for environmental conditions."

Seeds of Knowledge

   A space, where time can run much faster or slower, it depends where you are, how or what is driving your state of mind. Even depends on your kind of mental disorder. Feeling every inch of your mind, the way He dissolves itself in your system, in your veins...running wild through out your brain, accelerating your synapses, increasing the serotonin...among others.

   Beyond of scientific knowledge and solid theories I do not believe in an universal truth, or in an unbreakable logic or conscience. This is one of many things, that I have learned from my "walks".

   I like to walk.

   I have decided to gather and catalogue all kind of informations, texts, pictures, drawings and things with no definition and without an utility sense.


   An embryonic state of everything.